- OCT Standards of Practice http://www.oct.ca/public/professional-standards/standards-of-practice
- New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/teacher/induction.html
- Teacher Performance Appraisal http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/teacher/appraise.html#forms
- How have you demonstrated a commitment to student learning? (i.e. Highlight how you have used high yield strategies to support student learning)
- What EVIDENCE do you have that you now have new knowledge?
- How do you know what you know?
- How have you APPLIED your new learning and skill development? What are your STRENGTHS?
- How have you demonstrated LEADERSHIP in our cohort ?
- How have you PARTICIPATED FULLY in discussions and all classroom activities?
- How have you demonstrated that you are a strong COLLABORATIVE prospective staff member ?
- What are your NEXT STEPS to to professionally address you learning goals
- How have you demonstrated Care, Respect, Trust and Integrity in our cohort?
| Level: P1 | Level: P2 | Level: P3 | Level: F |
Planning Book | Very well organized and complete planning book -Consistently provides a well organized plan book as stated in P2 plus purposeful and relevant resources | Well organized and complete planning book - Frequently provides a well organized, easily followed plan book which includes: daily agenda, daily lesson plans, seating plans, class list(s), class timetable(s, assessment records | Somewhat organized and/or partially complete planning book
| Demonstrates an absence of or incomplete Planning Book
Unit Planning | Excellent unit plans -Consistently designs activities/ lessons that are linked, sequenced and developmentally scaffolded -Evidence of unit lesson sequence included in daybook | Good unit plans Designs lessons that are sequenced and linked
| Unit plans need refining Designs lessons that are not connected
| Demonstrates no evidence of unit planning |
Lesson Plan | Excellent lesson plan -Demonstrates a high level of detail and thoroughness -Evidence of differentiated instruction & assessment in lesson & instructional plan | Good lesson plan - Plan includes all elements - Details are evident and clear -Curriculum expectations are addressed and evident throughout the lesson plan
| Lesson plan needs refining -One or more element is missing -Absence of detail
| Demonstrates absence of elements, detail and/or curriculum expectation(s) are not are not addressed |
Lesson Materials & Resources (technology, chart paper, manipulatives etc.) | Learning materials very well integrated into lesson -Incorporates learning materials that are meaningful and enhance student learning -Highly proficient and skillful use of all learning materials | Learning materials well integrated into lesson -Appropriate learning materials are present -Accurate use of learning materials
| Learning materials partially integrated into lesson -Learning materials not appropriate / not evident | Rarely integrates learning materials into lesson and/or used properly
Lesson Delivery | Excellent delivery, lesson easily understood by students - Evidence of differentiated instruction & assessment in lesson delivery -Makes instructional adjustments to address the changing needs of the class/student during the lesson
| Good delivery, lesson understood by students -Continually sustains students’ interest and involvement -Student learning is relevant and appropriate for the expectations addressed
| Uneven delivery; lesson only partially understood by students - Student learning is NOT relevant or appropriate for the expectations addressed
| Rarely demonstrates appropriate lesson delivery behaviors |
Questioning & Clarity of Instructions | Excellent questioning and clarity of instructions -Expertly uses concise and precise instructions - Skillfully incorporates a range & complexity of questions appropriate for age and context (Bloom’s Taxonomy) | Good questioning and clarity of instructions -Capably demonstrates concise and precise instructions (clarification required) -Appropriate use of questioning throughout lesson
| Uneven questioning and/or clarity of instructions -Uses unclear and/or confusing instructions -Asks ineffective or no questions | Rarely demonstrates effective questioning and/or clear instructions |
Instructional Strategies (Modeling, cooperative, hands-on) | Excellent instructional strategies - Implements a range of innovative instructional strategies that encourage students to think, question critically, problem solve and reflect. -Evidence of a balance of teacher directed /student centred strategies
| Good instructional strategies - Implements an instructional strategy that promote learning and student engagement
| Some areas of concern with instructional strategies -Demonstrates ineffective or limited range of instructional strategy.
| Rarely demonstrates effective instructional strategies |
Lesson Pacing & Transitions | Excellent pacing and transitions -Pace and transitions are managed seamlessly with high recognition of class needs - Evidence of appropriately planned task duration -Evidence of sequencing /scaffolding of tasks | Good pacing and transitions - Demonstrates ability to pace the lesson, manage effective transitions and work within time allotments | Some areas of concern with pacing and/or transitions -Inadequately demonstrates pacing, transitions and time allotments | Rarely demonstrates awareness of pacing, transitions |
Subject Knowledge | Excellent knowledge of subject area -Demonstrates a thorough understanding of subject content and the Ontario curriculum | Good knowledge of subject area -Demonstrates an understanding of subject content and the Ontario curriculum | Limited knowledge of subject area -Demonstrates a limited understanding of the subject content and/ or the Ontario curriculum | Rarely demonstrates knowledge of subject area and Ontario Curriculum |
Voice & Body Language | Excellent voice and body language -Consistently demonstrates voice and body language that effectively engages students in learning -Adjustments are made to suit class needs and occasion | Good voice and body language -Demonstrates voice and body language that engages students in learning | Some areas of concern with voice and/or body language - Ineffective use of voice and body language that engages students in learning
| Rarely demonstrates effective use of voice and/or body language |
Classroom Management | Excellent management, discipline, and routines -Evidence of pro-active, positive, fair, firm and consistent approach to classroom management showing flexibility and initiative when appropriate. | Good management, discipline, and routines -Demonstrates a positive, fair, firm and consistent approach to classroom management | Some areas of concern with management, discipline, and/or routines -Does not maintain a physically and emotionally safe classroom environment. | Rarely demonstrates effective management, discipline, and/or implementation of routines |
Assessment & Evaluation | Excellent assessment and evaluation - Maintains effective, organized and useful records that will be used by the associate teacher -Uses tools to assess and evaluate both product and process - Evidence of formative & summative assessment tasks linked to a sequence of lessons/unit plan | Good assessment and evaluation -Maintains useful and organized records -Assessment, expectations and learning goals are aligned and addressed throughout the lesson | Some areas of concern with assessment and/or evaluation -Demonstrates inappropriate assessment of lesson expectations and/or learning goals -Uses ineffective and/or inappropriate tools
| Rarely demonstrates use of assessment and/or evaluation records and tools |
Professionalism | Excellent demonstration of professionalism - Demonstrates professional responsibility of classroom through personal ownership -Evidence of preparation, and organization of the learning environment -Evidence of contribution to the school community | Good demonstration of professionalism -Demonstrates professional responsibility of classroom through personal ownership -Evidence of preparation, and organization of the learning environment | Occasionally demonstrates professionalism -Demonstrates lack of responsibility towards lesson -Demonstrates lack of respect, care and/or sensitivity towards students and/or staff | Rarely demonstrates professional attitude, appearance, responsibility and/or sensitivity towards students. |
Faculty Advisors' Practicum Block II Assessment Form
for New Teacher Candidates
Faculty of Education
Brock University
This form was used by Mark Wickens during his time as a Faculty Advisor at Brock University
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