

Who do you want to be like when you become an educator?

Where would you be without that one GREAT teacher that inspired you?

Maybe you had more than one!  I hope you did. 

If that teacher does not know that you really appreciated them in your life why not look them up on Google or Linkedin and let them know. 

I dedicate this video to the GREAT TEACHERS I had who inspired me and motivated me throughout my academic journey.  

Some were in high school, others were in University. Some were even educational colleagues. 


Barb Sproule Singleton: Grade 13 English, Lord Elgin High School, Halton District School Board - You inspired me to go to university when I was lacking confidence to apply.  If it were not for you I may not have taken that step.  You made learning English fun, engaging and relevant. You took the class to live theater and ballet. You developed positive relationships and inspired your students to chase their dreams.  You were one of the most impactful teachers in my life. I can not thank you enough. 

Bryce Legget: Grade 13 Physical Education, Lord Elgin High School, Halton District School Board - Bryce taught me courses in anatomy and physiology as part of my Exercise Physiology Course.  You inspired me to go on into Physical Education at McMaster in 1974. I eventually became a physical education teacher in Halton as a result.  You were classy, confident and professional.  You were an outstanding builder of relationships and an inspiring leader. I ran a golf tournament for all of the Halton High Schools while taking that course which taught me a lot about leadership and the impact I could have on students and the school system. a "lightbulb" moment in my life! You became an outstanding leadership role model. Thank you so much for making me believe in my potential. 

John McLennan: Physical Education Teacher at Nelson High School and senior basketball coach, Halton District School Board - John was my Physical Education and Health teacher for several years. He recruited me to play basketball after he watched me play pick up ball after school.  John became my role model in life. He had the leadership qualities I admired. John was athletic, confident, and had high expectations of his athletes. I eventually coached basketball in Halton and in the city of Burlington because of his influence. He was the coach and educator I looked up to and wanted to emulate. Thanks for being my motivator in life.

Frank Grebenc, Al Slater and Larry Zavitz: History Teachers at Nelson High School, Halton District School Board: You all made learning fun.  You were engaging educators.  I minored in anthropopogy at McMaster University because of Frank Grebenc. 

Harv Collison: Harv was my first Associate Teacher at Tuck School, Halton District School Board. He became a future teacher colleague and administrative colleague. Harv was a great Associate Teacher.  Very supportive and an awesome instructional role model. As an administrator he was the one who put my name forward for administration in 1998 and trained me for that role. I am forever grateful to this great educator. 

Bev Bowra: Principal of Sir Ernest MacMillan School, Halton District School Board - Bev was one of my most outstanding principals. He was my leadership role model. He knew how to develop positive relationships with all of the school and community stakeholders.  He was skilled at developing grade teams.  He was the most inspiring leader that looked after staff morale.  He made his school environment fun for students and staff.  He was a visionary leader.  He was the leader I emulated my leadership career after. Thanks for being the best and for years of support. 

Dr. Fred Moyes: Anatomy Instructor at McMaster University, Hamilton  - Dr. Moyes would take coloured chalk and draw what looked like photographs on the chalkboard.  He made learning anatomy so interesting.  It was his course where I realized I may have some talent in this area. To my surprise, I placed third out of 425 students on one of his exams.  This was an academic turning point for me. I had never placed so high on any exam in my life.  Fred took me under his wing, and gave me the opportunity to teach anatomy labs at McMaster for Physical Education students and then supported me in becoming an anatomy instructor at Sheridan College. How Unbelievable. I could never have dreamed when I was young that I would ever do this! He inspired me to go on to apply for Medicine or Education.  I accepted my acceptance to teachers college in the anatomy lab at McMaster.  He influenced my whole career trajectory. Thank you sir, for all of the support and guidance you gave me during those university years.  

Cheryl Ende: ELL / ESL Course Director, Faculty of Education, Brock University, St. Catharines - Cheryl was an incredible educator.  She was academically inspiring, collaborative, and a team player who developed other leaders. Cheryl was the my university instructor role model.  She took me under her wing and put me in charge of teaching ELL / ESL Additional Qualifications for teachers. This lead to me taking new teacher candidates and established educators on one month international teaching blocks to China.  This became my passion and I am still working on these initiatives today. Cheryl was the consummate educator that I wanted to be like. Thank you for believing in me and for giving me these opportunities. 



CLICK HERE FOR: "A Teacher's Impact Lasts A lifetime" 

Posted to this blog and the INSPIRATIONAL LEADERS TAB

Nov. 2024



Check out these amazing articles by Professor Reeves

I have used Professor Reeves videos on assessment and evaluation in my classes at the Faculty of Education, Brock University. 

I was privileged to attend a live webinar in 2024 where he mentioned to me that our new teacher candidates would find them useful.  Especially the site where he supports students in finishing their dissertation!! 

Click the link below for "What is Research Anyway?". 

Also find here a variety of articles he has written and that have been posted by ASCD

Click here: What Is Research, Anyway?


Support for Finishing Your Dissertation

The next link will be incredibly helpful for students who need support and advice to finish their Dissertation.  AND IT'S FREE!!!!

Click the link below to get support for finishing your dissertation

Doug Reeves gave me this address: 

Past it into your browser

or Click here for:

Posted to this website: Feb. 14 / 2024





AUGUST 21st, 2020

He was a renowned education reformer whose 2006 TED talk on  

"CREATIVITY IN EDUCATION" remains the most watched

  TED talk in history. 

Every "New Teacher Candidate" I have taught since 2008 and my last school staff know how much a loved Sir Ken Robinson and his presentation titled:  Do Schools Kill Creativity?”  

Many of his articles and videos have been posted below through the years.  

His passing was a shock not only to me but to all educators who had met Sir Ken through his 2006 presentation which we all still hold close to our hearts today. 

He has made an incredible difference in pointing out how kids are smart and how their program should be differentiated.  

He coached students for success through their strengths. 

I believe he will go down in history with other influential educators such as John Dewey. 

I send condolences to his family and thank them for sharing him with the world of education.   I am still in shock to read that he has left us at the age of 70. Gone far to soon. 

Please Check Here for:  A TRIBUTE TO SIR KEN

Also Found at:

      New Pedagogies for Deep Learning 

     Engage the World.  Change the World!
Consortium for Educational Change (CEC)
By: Michael Fullan  and Co-Authors

Powerful Podcast and Video Resources that look at how Fullan is helping 7 countries develop their educational futures with leadership from the middle!  

Deep Learning is not another project.  
It is a change in the culture of the whole educational system.  
And it is here to stay.  


Further Resources for Investigation

A Synopsis of the Content Discussed in the Above Resources

      Coherence Framework:

-      The wrong drivers have been in place:

we wanted accountability but went around developing it in the wrong way

It was punitive accountability system

o This failed miserably

-      The right drivers should be:

                 Focusing Direction
                Collaborative Culture
                Deep Learning- see below
                Securing Accountability  

 -      The Four Pillars of Pedagogy:
Learning Environment
Leveraging Digital  

 -      Deep Learning Includes the 6 C's of Global Competence:
Character education
Critical Thinking

-    Deep Learning is created by these elements:
Connects to passion
                  Is team related 
                  Is learning that sticks
                  Has human significance  
                  Includes higher order thinking processes  

Added to  this web Page Blog August 19th/2018




Our MINDSET of what we are training students for is undergoing a paradigm shift.
This is not new thinking.  

The pandemic in 2020 has changed how we do things and has us reflecting on how we best educate students for the future.  

What will the new future look like?
Where are we headed and how?

This article has a great graphic called "The Evolution of the Employee".  
It is important we look at this as  teachers and educators at all levels of the system. 

We must discuss what the graph is teaching us and reflect in how it is impacting our education system.

Plus we need to think about  how we personally should change our best practice for the education systems of today and tomorrow. 

How is this influencing our career goals?

Posted to this webpage July 2020.


Daniel Pink on Motivation 

This TedTalk was quoted by Michael Fullan in his work posted above on Deep Learning

Pink is fun and entertaining in this TED Talk!
His research on Motivation is engaging 

Enjoy this Video when you have 20 minutes!!

Click Here For: The Puzzle of Motivation



How should we design assessments for future ready students ?

Also located here at:

Also placed under the Assessment Tab
Posted to this website in July 2020



This is an outstanding presentation with the important following messages.

Studies show, the lack of physical play is resulting in students doing worse in school.

Schools set up a system that celebrates academic marks but academic marks are not the only way to be intelligent.  We are developing a narrow concept of what the mind can do.

We marginalized shop, family studies, guidance, music …..why???
Not all academic learners have similar aptitudes and strengths.
Students are smart IN DIFFERENT WAYS.

All kids are different.  They are not standardized widgets !  This is not rocket science
Look at siblings and how different they are !!!!!   

Academic systems pushing students to accomplish high marks and meeting high standards have one other unfortunate high statistic.  High incidence of suicide.
We have different learning styles and interests.  Our natural learning curiosity and creative intelligence can be ruined by traditional out of date factory model academic systems. 

When we use a balanced STEAM approach to education, the research shows the students are more engaged. Increased student engagement also evaporates discipline issue. 

"It's not time to fix the old system of education, it is time to change it!"


Posted to this Web Page / Blog  Tab September, 21, 2018.



Sir Ken is always worth listening to at the beginning of the year as educators set the path for whole "System Directions", "School Improvement Plans" or  when designing "whats happening "in a classroom as teachers develop their program.

This is a must listen to for all educators as they set the directions for the year.

We need to develop an environment of "Deep Learning" (Fullan) where kids love to be engaged in their learning at every grade and for preparing future ready students !




Posted to this Web Page / Blog September 2018

Sir Ken Robinson 
Find a School Your Child Will Love 

ONE key point....It's all about balance in the curriculum!

This is a powerful article on  School Program.
 STEM is a great focus But, where is it with out the ARTS!!!

Read this powerful article by Sir Ken Robinson.
It is a MUST READ!

Click Here For:  Find a School Your Child Will Love

 Some Quotes are included below:

"Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status." That's one of the many quotes that Sir Ken Robinson's made in his 2006 lecture on rethinking the nation's schools. That become one of the most popular TED talks — with more than 50 million views.

More to Education Than Test Scores
There's so much pressure put on parents to make them believe that a good school is defined by high test scores and high rates of entrance to college and university, but there's a lot more to education than that. You want to make sure that there is a real balance and dynamism in the school curriculum.  

Balance in Curriculum Must Include the Arts
We've seen a reduction in things like arts programs, in recess, in practical vocational programs, because they're not subject to standardized tests. The emphasis on STEM — science technology engineering and math — is important. But the arts, music, drama, the humanities, physical education, are just as important.

Balance in Assessments
Also look at the quality of teaching and assessment strategies.
It's about asking what the assessment's are for.
It should ideally be there to support, encourage and inform children's development and achievement.

Environment and Relationships
Look at what's on the walls. Is there kids' work on the walls? Exhibitions? That also taps into the overall culture — you know, what sort of values a school is promoting and how closely does it work with parents and the broader community.

Check out this article for more ideas to reflect on in your school!
It's outstanding! 

Posted to this Web Page / Blog August 19/2018


Listen to these top 10 Outstanding Leadership Qualities.
By Cheryl Sandberg,
CEO Of FaceBook

Participatory Leadership at its best.

Click Here> Cheryl Sandberg on Leadership

Posted to Blog December 28th/16
George Couros - Blogs and Twitters

Division Principal of Innovative Teaching and Learning 

for Parkland School Division

An Innovative Leadership Consultant.

Click on the links below to explore the future of Education with an International Leader and Thinker

Click here for his personal Web Page

50 More Reasons SMART PHONES Are A Great Resource

Sir Ken Robinson
Presentations On the Paradigm Shift Needed In Education
Sir Ken has more hits than any other TEDx Speaker

Click on the Links Below for  influential lectures you must listen to:

On Creativity: Are We Being Educated Out of It?

How to Escape Education's Death Valley!

Bring On The Learning Revolution

Sugata Mitra, Salman Khan and Others:

Ten Influential Speakers On Education 


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