This site provides you with a complete online resource
of the Ontario Elementary and Secondary Curriculum.
It is sorted by grade or by subject.
All other ministry documents can also be found here.
Click Here For: Ontario Curriculum, Resources and Policy
Here is a partial list of competencies to start discussion:
- Competencies associated with
metacognition and a growth mindset are essential for ongoing success in the
21st century
- Competencies related to local,
global, and digital citizenship enhance individuals’ ability to respond
constructively in changing or challenging circumstances.
- Competencies associated with
creativity and innovation are important elements in entrepreneurial activity
- Significant reviews of curricula to
embed 21st century competencies are required (and are being undertaken by a growing
number of countries).
- Physical Space: Research supports
the notion that where we learn affects the quality of how we learn
Halton DSB is a subscriber to ON-Core, a collection of Canadian video resources correlated to the Ontario curriculum by subject, grade, course and strand.