Below are connections to people who are making a difference in the world!!
One Creative Idea At A Time!
It's amazing what our students can do when it comes to hidden skills and talents.
They always need someone behind them to give them confidence and to help them reach for the stars.
I find that students do not reach high enough. They doubt themselves.
As teachers we can inspire our students to take on challenges they thought were beyond their skill set!
We all can learn a lot form these incredible role models below!
Check them out!!!
Mark ;-)
Check out these peoples stories below!
Frank O'Dea
Leila Janah
As a teacher, public school administrator and Faculty Instructor/Advisor at a Faculty of Education, I have learned this is so true.
After 40 years in Education, the miracle stories I see and hear are amazing.
One individual dropped into my office after decades just to say Hi...and thanks for not giving up on me many years ago. He had struggled in school. School was not his thing.
He took me out to see his Black Convertible Mustang and told me about his successful life.
I was so proud of him for being so resilient and for finding his way.
Another student thanked me for just being there and understanding his behaviour as a 14 year old.
He said, thanks for just being positive and encouraging.
Guess what..he said next!
I have just finished my Ph.D. !! At Brock!!!!
Love it!
Another dropped into my office and said....thanks for always encouraging me to write.
She was being bullied as a young student in Grade 8.
I had forgotten how I had intervened to help turn things around for her.
But she remembered.
She took out a novel she had just completed and published.
She said look at the forward Mr. Wickens.
It was dedicated to me.
All of your students need you. Some more than others.
You must teach students the tools to be successful.
You must teach resilience and what that looks like at every stage of development.
It's amazing how just listening and encouraging students has incredible impact.
Check out Frank O'dea's story below, and see how one incident changed his life.
Frank O'Dea
Frank O'Dea never forgot these things mentioned above!!
He is an example of, "Never Judge a Book By It's Cover".
Frank became the inspiration behind Second Cup.
The Coffee Shop Empire.
This is his story as the Key Note Speaker at START UP CANADA, ENTREPRENEUR AWARDS
November 2016.
Click Here for: Frank's Link
He says especially remember ...Hope, Vision and Action.
Have Hope
Develop a Vision
Take Action, toward that vision every day.
Believe in Yourself
Be spontaneous
Tell your story
Network until you develop the contacts that help you move forward.
When he was around was not so good.
A drunk
Begging for change
In Toronto on a street corner with others like him.
A guy one day, dropped 10 cents in his cup and Frank just looked at it.
Something happened in that moment.
He just decided that was it.
If he did not change in that moment he felt he would probably just end up dead.
He never drank again!
He started his journey.
He kept hope, developed a plan to sell coffee, developed vision, and took a little action every day. He networked and told his story and shared his dream.
He never forgot those that helped him along the way.
The man that gave him the dime, changed his life that day.
He now owns a multi million dollar International Coffee Franchise Empire called Second Cup that employs thousands and helps millions of people every year. He pays it forward.
Never Give Up On Your Students!
It's amazing what they can do, with a little positive support and belief in themselves.
That's what a 21st Century Teacher does.
Teachers have that magic to help kids develop a dream.
They can teach them to be creative, tech savvy, problem solvers.
Teachers can develop collaborative, diverse classrooms where making mistakes is a learning opportunity.
They can build classrooms where kids can feel included and take risks.
A place where they develop relationships and appreciate each others strengths and weaknesses.
A place where you can use manipulatives and learn through the arts.
A place where researched based strategies are implemented that make a difference in learning.
Teachers can help students believe in themselves and have hope for a bright future!
That's probably what good teaching looks like now and beyond the 21st Century.
What do you think?
Posted to the blog Nov. 30th, 2016.
Click on the link below to explore Samasource
It's April 30th, 2020 as I write this.
I am just making posts and checking links.
This post used to take you to one of my most favourite social entrepreneurs ever....
Leila Janah.
Instead it has taken me to this tragic post.....
Leila's Obituary....
To say I am sitting here stunned, is an understatement for sure.
I feel absolutely heart broken for her family and friends.
I am totally numb as I sit here and process this. I can't.
I have followed her work and posted her initiatives for years.
The world has lost one of its best.
She was only 37.
I send heartfelt condolences to her dad, her family and friends.
Please check out her work and donate to her cause as listed in her obituary.
Below are other posts that I will keep here on this web page in her honour.
You will find her to have been incredibly inspiring.
Leila was one of the most talented young entrepreneurs I had ever met.
We connected on social media. She was so good at using that to further her initiatives.
I was only one connection of thousands I am sure. We only chatted by phone once when she was driving with her friend Loic and reaching out to individuals like myself who were following her initiatives, spreading the news of her work, and making positive impacts on society in our own ways.
She was making an incredible impact on the world stage of "giving work" to those in most need
through her social entrepreneur platform called SAMASOURCE. She took tech companies in the United States and trained capable but jobless individuals in far away lands. She made an incredible difference not only to these individuals but to whole communities.
Leila....will be missed beyond belief.
This is a sad day to lose this incredible young woman to cancer in her prime.
But the impact of her life here on earth will be felt for many years to come.
We must celebrate her accomplishments.
She was a gifted rising star in the world of social entrepreneurship.
Not surprisingly she had developed a business model that was sustainable without her being here.
Below you can click on the links for:
CNN reports her passing: Leila Janah
Until we meet again.....
Please check out her amazing presentations below.
Click on the link below for one of Leila Janah's presentations.
I'm Leila Janah, Social Entrepreneur
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