Wednesday, 22 August 2018

 This is an excellent article that two Directors of Education 
brought  to my attention. 

Technology in education has quickly influenced Teaching and Learning. 
A paradigm shift in how we teach, learn and assess what students know
is here now. 

Check out this excellent article.

Our students already know the future is here!

Click Here For: 10 Disruptions That Will Revolutionize Education

 Also posted the Technology Tab

Monday, 20 August 2018

Sir Ken Robinson 
Find a School Your Child Will Love 

ONE key point....It's all about balance in the curriculum!

This is a powerful article on  School Program.
 STEM is a great focus But, where is it with out the ARTS!!!

Read this powerful article by Sir Ken Robinson.
It is a MUST READ!

Click Here For:  Find a School Your Child Will Love

 Some Quotes are included below:

"Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status." That's one of the many quotes that Sir Ken Robinson's made in his 2006 lecture on rethinking the nation's schools. That become one of the most popular TED talks — with more than 50 million views.

More to Education Than Test Scores
There's so much pressure put on parents to make them believe that a good school is defined by high test scores and high rates of entrance to college and university, but there's a lot more to education than that. You want to make sure that there is a real balance and dynamism in the school curriculum.  

Balance in Curriculum Must Include the Arts
We've seen a reduction in things like arts programs, in recess, in practical vocational programs, because they're not subject to standardized tests. The emphasis on STEM — science technology engineering and math — is important. But the arts, music, drama, the humanities, physical education, are just as important.

Balance in Assessments
Also look at the quality of teaching and assessment strategies.
It's about asking what the assessment's are for.
It should ideally be there to support, encourage and inform children's development and achievement.

Environment and Relationships
Look at what's on the walls. Is there kids' work on the walls? Exhibitions? That also taps into the overall culture — you know, what sort of values a school is promoting and how closely does it work with parents and the broader community.

Check out this article for more ideas to reflect on in your school!
It's outstanding! 

This article is also under the High Yield Strategies Tab and Influential Leaders Tab.

     New Pedagogies for Deep Learning 

     Engage the World.  Change the World!
Consortium for Educational Change (CEC)
By: Michael Fullan  and Co-Authors

Powerful Podcast and Video Resources that look at how Fullan is helping 7 countries develop their educational futures with leadership from the middle!  

Deep Learning is not another project.  
It is a change in the culture of the whole educational system.  
And it is here to stay.  


Further Resources for Investigation

A Synopsis of the Content Discussed in the Above Resources

      Coherence Framework:

-      The wrong drivers have been in place:

we wanted accountability but went around developing it in the wrong way

It was punitive accountability system

o This failed miserably

-      The right drivers should be:

                 Focusing Direction
                Collaborative Culture
                Deep Learning- see below
                Securing Accountability  

 -      The Four Pillars of Pedagogy:
Learning Environment
Leveraging Digital  

 -      Deep Learning Includes the 6 C's of Global Competence:
Character education
Critical Thinking

-    Deep Learning is created by these elements:
Connects to passion
                  Is team related 
                  Is learning that sticks
                  Has human significance  
                  Includes higher order thinking processes  

Added to  High Yield Strategies Tab and Influential Educational Leaders Tabs


Monday, 6 August 2018




Relationship building and setting the tone for the new year is so important for the students! 
It is also important for teachers to deliver learning tasks that are inspiring for them as well!

Check out these INSPIRATIONAL AND FUN ideas to start your class off in an exciting way!!

Plus EXPLORE this site for endless useful practical ideas to apply to your lessons expectations. 

By Scholastic!

Click Here For: ENERGIZERS

Also listed under the Classroom Management Tab and ESL Tab

Friday, 3 August 2018


A ParticipACTION REPORT / 2018

Our Youth Need to Move More to Boost Brain Health!!

How are cell phones affecting us?
How is a lack of fitness affecting mental health?

Check out the statistics on our youths fitness.
Check the trends.

What are the consequences?
What are the next steps?

Click Here For: The Brain Body Equation

  Above article is also posted to the Wellness Tab above.