Thursday 17 October 2024


Humanity, Social Intelligence & High Performance Teams 

This is a great article on leadership for educators or for leaders in the public sector.  It really impressed me. Outstanding research done by James R. Rychard 

It includes the practices I believe in, that helped me as a teacher in the classroom or in my administrative roles.  It continues to amaze me that leaders in our university and public schools have not made relationships the foundation of their leadership practices. I have so many times heard my colleagues and students say, "They just feel like they are a number".  

I particularly like the references to the work done by Daniel Goleman. 

James R. Rychard explores the essence of high-performance teams, emphasizing the role of collaboration and how it is rooted in social intelligence as part of the character dimension of humanity. After examining the threat of “dark triad” personalities to team dynamics, the article presents an exemplary case of socially intelligent leader Kazuo Inamori, former CEO of Japan Airlines, and extracts important lessons for the public sector. Rychard underscores the importance of investing in leadership development and fostering a culture of character to support collaboration in the public sector.

by James R. Rychard: Burlington Ontario 
 Posted October 2024 
Also Posted to the Leadership Tab

Monday 7 October 2024

What Happens When a School Closes Its Library?

This issue of closing libraries in public schools is occurring more and more.

What impact is that having on teachers, students and student learning?

The Faculty of Education at my university has just closed its library and the staff have been released. Students are being sent to the general campus library instead. 

A saving money strategy?

Now the students sit in the hall to collaborate and work. 

Read this article to learn the impact of closing school libraries. 

Click here: What Happens When a School Closes It's Library?

Click Here for Article 2: What is the Impact of a School Not Having a Librarian

Posted here on October 7th, 2024

Also posted to the 21st Century Learning Tab



Registration for JK & K are in January.

What skills are most key on entering the classroom.

Check out this article to find out!

Click Here: To Be Ready for Kindergarten. 

Posted here in October 2024. 

Also posted to 21st Century Education